Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 24th - 26th

Christmas is over already, and I can't believe it!

I would like to, at this time, let you know what our team was up to over our Christmas holidays. Let us begin...

We left our apartments Thursday afternoon and headed off to the beach. Some of us got there by rickshaw and boat, and others of us drove there with RJ. It's not too long of a trip, compared to how long we've traveled to get to some schools before...

Once we arrived at the beach, we all took it easy and just relaxed, enjoying God's marvelous nature and calming our hearts from the hustle and bustle of school ministry. After a wonderful football (AKA soccer) game on the beach where the guys narrowly beat out the girls by one point (3-2), we enjoyed a very enlightening Christmas Eve devotional/reflection time. Alex read both renditions of the Christmas story, RJ shared a very wise devotional with us, we all shared what we were thankful for, and we prayed. God's Spirit was with us that evening so strongly, and I sincerely believe we all were very challenged and encouraged as a result that evening. A part of the devotional referred to how Jesus had given up His divine attributes to come to earth; He left His comfortable place in Heaven in order to come to a very uncomfortable earth. Our team can relate in a VERY small way, seeing as we've all left family, friends, and country in order to come to India. I do believe that we all experienced Christmas in a very new, very real way this year.

We had a surprise guest arrive that evening after we got to our hotel. Any guesses? If you can tell from the picture, it was Santa Clause himself! He delivered "Canadian" gifts to all of us (generously provided by Mark and Cheryl before they left us... THANK-YOU!!!), threw some candy around the room, then left us very gracefully through the window (he broke the door knob). We all enjoyed his performance and our gifts thoroughly.

Christmas morning was a time to sleep in and relax. We ventured to the beach after opening our Christmas box gifts, and we all enjoyed swimming in the ocean. A few of us cut our feet on the rocks, but it was nothing too serious. That evening we enjoyed another epic soccer game and then a devotional in the evening once again. God has definitely been good to us this Christmas season!

We relaxed on the beach for the last time this morning. Sadly our Christmas break is over, but it does mean that ministry can once again begin. After all, God called us here for each of us to know Him better personally through different trials and struggles, but even more so to make Him known in India! It is our prayer that we plant the seed of the truth of His salvation in many, many hearts in this beautiful country! Amen.

Prayer Requests:
~That God would restore the health of some of the team members who have been feeling unwell for a while
~That our team would enthusiastically jump back into ministry after a relaxing and refreshing break
~That God would open doors in regards to the ministries HE wishes for us to pursue
~For the hearts of those who hear the gospel proclaimed through our team

Praise Items:
~For the ministries we have had the privilege of being a part of
~For all the souls who have come to know Christ as a result of our ministries
~For the amazing Christmas break we just experienced!

Blessings on you all as you pray,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cayla
    I am so happy for you guys!! It really seems like God is doing amazing things through and in you and your team! I will definately be praying for those prayer requests, you and your team. I can't wait to hear all of the amazing awesome things that the Holy Spirit is doing in you! Blessings
    -Jessica [Babyface:)]
